A Soul with a Mission

The past is behind us and the future is yet to come; the only thing we really have, is NOW.
The person I am NOW was formed in the 
past. I am spiritual, awake, aware, eager to learn and work with heart and
soul to a life outside the matrix and the limitations of 'mind control'. 
After 40 years on the path of matrix spirituality, I am, we are, on the eve of a new world.
There is still a lot of work to be done, the path I/we must take has become clear to me!! 

We are all powerful, loving beings with enormous potential. 

Unfortunately this potential is limited by forces outside ourselves. At this moment it is essential
to return to our heart and from there to our soul for our real to regain soul strength. 
If we start living from the original field of life, we can rediscover our true powers and fulfill our lifemission !

I have been making Orgonites for people, animals and the earth for four years now. I believe
sincerely that Orgonite, with its zero point energy, brings the true energy back to the earth  
My Orgonites are unique works of art with a high energetic value they play an important role in this special time.
An orgonite can work on the quantum level, remove negative energy and purify your livingspace.
Protect you and your environment from 5g technologies.

On this website you will find extensive information about these special pieces.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
I'm happy to answer them!