Platonic forms

Spiritual working of the symbols

Everything in nature is based on an underlying geometry. Ancient civilizations already discovered that symmetrical shapes did not happen by chance: they saw it as the mystery of creation. About ancient forms and their powers. Plato connected these figures with the elements earth, water, air, fire and ether and by analyzing the geometric relationships between the figures, the philosopher also thought about the relationships between the elements.

Tetrahedron: Passion, will and drive

Just like the triangle, stands for fire and passion, only this three-dimensional figure works stronger. The tetrahedron has four triangular faces (tetra means four) and is connected to the third chakra, where passion, will and drive can also be found. The tetrahedron stands for 'warming up to something', following your heart and spontaneity. When you need it, you can meditate with the tetrahedron, for example, which has an activating power. When you go all out for something, there is a male part, a female part and a child in it. Those three parts are reflected in the triangular faces. Basically the tetrahedron is a masculine shape, but with the point down it becomes feminine, because if you then look at it from above and you would see the figure as a hollow shape, you can fill it, and shapes you can fill are feminine.

Hexahedron: Rest, stability and grounding

The triangle stands for grounding, but the cube takes it a step further. A cube, with its six (hexa means six) quadrangular surfaces, gives peace and stability, because it can lie comfortably and firmly. It is therefore also connected to the first chakra and trust in yourself. The cube indicates boundaries and is sometimes used to curb the energy of busy children. Holding a cube or putting a dice in their pocket gives them some grounding energy. Cubes can also help people in a state of shock: placing a cube on their hands and feet helps them return to the here and now. If you use grounding materials such as jasper or tiger's eye for your cube, it will be twice as strong.”

Octahedron: Find balance and hear your heart

The octahedron is actually a double pyramid: eight (octa) triangular faces, four of which point upwards and four downwards. It is connected to the element of air and therefore to our breathing. It rests on its point, on which it cannot stand and thus symbolizes the search for balance between extremes. The octahedron helps you to stay in the center, to listen to your heart and not to blow with all the winds. That is why it also belongs to the fourth chakra, the heart chakra. You use it when you are lost, in heartache, sadness and mourning. Preferably you hold the octahedron with two hands in front of your heart. And when you dread conversation, put an octahedron in your pocket and listen to your heart.”

Dodecahedron: The power of your true self

The name of the mysterious figure dodecahedron, with twelve pentagons, was not allowed to be spoken until about 1200. If you did, the death penalty could follow. Only mystics were allowed to use the wisdom associated with this figure. The people were kept stupid. The dodecahedron is seen as the solidified version of creation. It is connected to the higher chakras: five, six and seven. It has to do with awareness and awakening. When you meditate with it, it connects you to the heart of the cosmos and the power of your true self. You can use it when you have questions like: why am I here? And: am I on my path? These are questions that are about what is good for the whole and not so much about what is good for you alone.

Icosahedron: Movement and change

This complex figure with twenty triangles, thirty ribs and twelve corners represents water, currents and emotional energy. It is a receptive, receptive and feminine form that is connected to the second chakra - which also stands for water, feeling and movement. With its twenty faces, the icosahedron rolls the best of all Platonic figures. This immediately symbolizes the movement and fluidity that this figure stands for, and therefore also the change. The icosahedron can help you to get more into your feelings, to withdraw more into yourself and to make contact with your primal wisdom. When you want to create something new, this figure can stimulate your creativity.

Drunvalo Melchizedek is one of the most important restorers of Sacred Geometry. Drunvalo researched the creation story of Sacred Geometry. The Sacred Geometry creation story states that the world would have been created in six days from the original oneness of God's consciousness. From this unity consciousness, God decided to enclose himself in a sphere. In doing this a new experience was created, He had something to perceive because now for the first time something existed outside of Himself. Satisfied with the result, on the second day he created the second sphere, which cleaved the first in half. God's creation continued like this for six days, and on the seventh day He rested. Recognize the analogy with Genesis, the Bible's creation story? Here on the left you see the result, 7 balls which is also called the Genesis pattern. The cross section of two spheres is called a Vesica Pisces (Pisces = fish) which later became the fish symbol, an indication of Jesus Christ. Drunvalo Melchizedek was excited about this creation story and decided to continue it after the seventh day to see what else would come out of God's beautiful creation. After a few more iterations, adding spheres in the same way, the result was the flower of life. This symbol can be found all over the world, including in Egyptian temples. After the creation of the flower of life, Drunvalo continued with the same process, but for simplicity we now skip some steps. We omit irrelevant spheres from the final result and then connect the remaining spheres with each other by drawing straight lines between the centers of the remaining spheres. The result is that, for example, a cube emerges from the Genesis pattern: When we now connect all the centers, we see the final result above: In this figure we find all five different geometric shapes that were described 350 years before Christ by the Greek philosopher Plato and therefore also called the Platonic forms. In this figure we find the cube twice, a large version in the outer circles and a smaller version in the Genesis pattern in the heart. This is how the Merkabah symbol arises. These are then all five Platonic forms, from left to right, the tetrahedron, the cube, the octahedron, the dodecahedron and the icosahedron. Plato claimed at the time that these five figures are the basic building blocks of the atoms, the building blocks of matter. The special thing about these Platonic forms that arise from Sacred Geometry is that they are at the basis of new theories and discoveries in our universe that seem to confirm Plato's right.