Bovis value

One way we can measure the quality of energies is with the Bovis scale. This scale was developed by two French scientists, Bovis and Simoneton. Bovis values ​​can be measured with a pendulum or Bio-Tensor. We express it in Bovis units BE. A place has a Bovis value, but so does a product. This is comparable to the vibration number of a material or of colours. Just as every product or object has a colour, it also has a vibration number. When a place has a higher vibration than 6,500 Bovis, it provides us with energy and ensures perfect balance. A place that vibrates lower will slowly weaken us. This also applies to food. Appearances can sometimes be deceiving. A beautiful shiny apple can still have a low Bovis value, which means that it adds nothing energetically to our body. Meat has a value of 6,500 immediately after slaughter, but loses its value very quickly afterwards. After roasting or cooking meat, the value is only 3,000 to 4,000 Bovis and therefore invalidating. Many tests have shown that the Bovis scale is a good method for making comparisons between products and between types. It should be noted that not every product has an equally high potency. Various vegetables, milk, eggs, honey and fruit have been researched quite well. It has been shown that the measuring method provides complete information about the product in a number, namely the energetic value. This value is much stronger than any quality mark. It also provides direct information about freshness, among other things. The scale division runs from 0-10,000 Bovis, with 6500 being considered constructive for the body.

André Bovis

The Frenchman André Bovis developed the Bovis scale to determine the vitality of people and food. He did this because he was looking for an accurate, yet simple, method to determine the quality of food, which was his professional activity. He assumed that all matter emits radiation. He believed he could measure the frequency/wavelength of this radiation. He made a scale and could read the value of the measured product by moving a pendulum over this scale. Bovis called his instrument the 'biometer', which became a great success. After the Second World War, the Bovis method was further developed by the physicist Simonéton and the result of the scale was called the 'Bovis value' from that time on. Healthy people have a value of 6500 to 8000 on the Bovis scale. Therefore, in order to remain healthy, people must consume food of more than 6500 Bovis. Many foods do not reach this value. These products reduce the vitality of people, instead of adding to it. It is known that for example ripeness, freshness and the method of preparation influence the Bovis value of a certain product.
The biometer and the Bovis value became known through the work of Simonéton. Several people learned to use them. It was soon discovered that not only foodstuffs have a Bovis value. Everything (organisms, objects, spaces, places, books, symbols, etc.) has its own Bovis value. This means that the Bovis value is not a direct measure of the vitality of something or someone, but rather a condition for health and vitality. The Bovis value is a measure of the wholeness (= in connection with its cosmic source / divine core) of a system (body, object, place, etc.).
The Bovis value indicates to what extent earthly and cosmic forces, matter and spirit penetrate each other; the more whole and the more sacred, the higher the Bovis. It is known that 'something' with a high Bovis supplements the energy of something/someone with a low Bovis; while the reverse - an object with a low Bovis can lower the energetic value of something/someone with a high(er) Bovis - also applies. With a low Bovis, the life processes are limited. In humans, the lower limit is 6500, with a lower Bovis, he becomes susceptible to diseases. We speak of a maximum Bovis when the organism is 'whole'; in most people, this is a value of 9,000 Bovis. The optimal Bovis (in humans approx. 11,000-12,000) is achieved if there is an optimal harmony between matter and spirit. A system develops from a low to a maximum and finally an optimal Bovis. The last two are important energetic parameters to determine the state and development phase of a system, in conjunction with the current Bovis.
By regularly observing the Bovis, you gain insight into the speed of this development. It is important that this speed is not too high. The energy body will have to get used to the change so that it does not become overloaded and the chance of physical fatigue is minimal.